The only thing I have found wrong with this product is that the bottle that I have, leaks from the top, becuase of the way that you get the product out of the bottle. I recently brought a new bottle, and it has new way to access the product, which may solve this problem.
The only place I could find that stocked these products in the UK, was Boots, at a very resonable price.
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Hello secret shopper I just happened to bump into this blog through google. I am looking up this same product color and all as it was gifted to me from a relative living in UK. And I really like the fragrance smell of this body spray and was wondering if by chance there is a real cologne available with this same scent? Any ideas or thoughts? I seen a long list of variety of mens fragrances so wanted to know if there's a cologne that matches this exact color and body spray (ex:the green one)